At the Mediadesign Hochschule, we support our students from all departments in being brave and self-confident enough to continuously participate in national and international competitions and thus steadily increase their own market value. We live this tradition and encourage our young talents to show themselves and to compete - no matter if it is about competitions of governmental agencies, associations, institutions or companies - we are there!
We are proud of a large number of honors and awards that our students and graduates have won in recent years.
Here are our highlights from the last 2 years:
In 2024, the Mediadesign Hochschule again won a Golden Nail and an award at the Talent Award of the Art Directors Club (ADC). The speciality: The Game Design team from Munich made the previously impossible possible; for the first time in the history of the ADC, a Golden Nail was awarded in the Games category! The jury's comment on the winning game Light is Key: "With its game idea, atmosphere, user experience, consistent design, sound design and flawless functionality, this - mind you - semester project puts everything in the shade!"
The short film Sjena Noci from the Digital Film Design degree programme also won an award in the Animation category. A great success for the Mediadesign University and the Munich campus!

In 2024, two games by Game Design students at the Mediadesign University in Munich won the coveted GamesPreis24! We are proud and happy about the success of InSekten in the category ‘Prototype 19-26 years’ by Elena Neubauer and Pocket Sun and Apprentice Home Alone in the category ‘Finished Game 19-26 years’. Both games take the player into a completely different world and impressed the jury with their original game ideas, good design and intuitive, humorous gameplay.

Art Directors Club (ADC) Talent Award 2023 - 6 awards for Mediadesign University
One golden and two silver Nails, as well as three more distinguished prices of the ADC Talent Awards 2023 were awarded to students of Mediadesign University. We are incredibly proud to present the winning works, which not only demonstrate groundbreaking creative talent, but also the high quality of the training at mdh. Our students were able to impress the top-class jury with projects from the Game Design and Media Design courses.

Games Preis 2023
mdh students of the Game Design bachelor's degree program at Munich campus have won the "Finished Game" category at GamesPreis23 with their project TRASH CAN, BE HOME. The game is a survival/resource management game that impresses with its innovative approach to environmental protection and its detailed design.

Prof. Minnameier wins the Google Indie Games Festival 2022 and the German Computer Game Prize 2023
Prof. Dr. Christoph Minnameier teaches Game Design at the Munich campus and has found his own way to deal with the situation during the corona pandemic; he developed the Android mobile game Dungeons of Dreadrock! In 2022, he won the Google IGF and says happily: "I am very happy about the prize, especially because as an academic in the 'ivory tower' you naturally like to show that you are still able to put your own teaching content into practice. The The idea for the game came about spontaneously one evening while trying out new Unity technology features, and although the mechanics are very minimalistic, developing it in my free time took almost two years and was a good compensation for the social restrictions during Covid." In 2023 he also won the German Computer Game Prize in the “Best Mobile Game” category with Dungeons of Dreadrock. You can now play the game on the Nintendo Switch.

Mimimi Games - Winner of the German Computer Game Award 2021 in two categories "Best German Game" and "Studio of the Year"
A success story that began at mdh 2008. With prize money of 140.000€ the two Mimimi Games founders Johannes Roth and Dominik Abe' were awarded by the Federal Government of Germany. In total, prize money of 790.000€ was provided by the foundation members, more than ever before. A good indicator for the importance of the games industry within the German economy.
"Yes that was 2008, I was a student in the GD1008 course in Munich at the time, studying Game Design. We knew early on that we would have to tackle a semester project at some point. At that time it was about a 2D game in Flash," says Johannes Roth, founding member of Mimimi Games.

"In 2009, we developed our first game Grounded and actually already had the goal of winning the German Developer Award. Thanks to MD.H, we were able to show the game at the Gamescom booth and collected a lot of feedback.
Start -Up foundation with the support of mdh
"We were lucky to get regional funding programs through FFF Bayern, at that time 80.000 €. That was very relevant for us! Today there is nationwide funding and many more funding pots, for example in Berlin, which you should use as a newcomer. We had the great advantage here that we could access a large network through mdh, and the fact that we were able to participate in the German Developer Award at that time came about through the initiative of mdh. That was great for us at Gamescom - building up a network via lecturers, getting to know people from the industry, taking away feedback. That was great, of course." (Johannes Roth, founder of Mimimi Games)
Laura Petzke: Nomination for the Neo Fashion Award in the category Best Graduate 2021 during the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.
The Elements collection by Laura Petzke featured wearable and avant-garde fashion pieces in minimalist aesthetics associated with the 4 elements of fire, water, air, earth.
October 2021 - Double victory at this year's Gamesfestival
The Games Award of the German Computer Game Academy CSA in the categories "Best Prototype", "Best Finished Game" in the age group: 19-26 went to Sabrina Knoops and Vanessa Rudewig for their game "thread/t", a combination of creepy psychological terror and escaperoom with puzzles.
The mdh team prevailed against 29 entries and was rewarded for their outstanding performance.

Trailer "thread/t"
Prizes and awards 2018
Deutscher Computerspielpreis/German Computergames Award
2nd place | Young Talent Award category
Project: „Realm of the Machines“
Game Design
Students: Sebastian Jantschke, Alina von Petersdorff, Julian Ludwig, Stefan Held, Wanuscha Nourbakhsh, Pascual Marschar
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Janina Engel, Dorothée Martin
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Prizes and awards 2017
Blue Genius Award
1st place | Audience Award
Project: Short movie „Sophie“
Digital Film Design
Students: Lukas Auer, Daniel Pötscher und Birk Roolf
Supervised by Prof. Thomas Gronert
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place | Category: Ubisoft Blue Byte Newcomer Award
Project: „Realm of the Machines“
Game Design
Students: Sebastian Jantschke, Alina von Petersdorff, Julian Ludwig, Stefan Held, Wanuscha Nourbakhsh, Pascual Marschar
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Scholarship, Fashion Management
Students: Sarah Hobelsberger
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Katrin Judex
Type Directors Club New York
2nd place worldwide | Student Award
Project: Bachelor Thesis
Media Design
Student: Miriam Rieger
Course taught by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Type Directors Club New York
3rd place worldwide| Student Award
Project: Bachelor thesis RESIGN
Media Design
Student: Kevin Kremer
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Peek & Cloppenburg Düsseldorf and Fashion ID
Nomination | Young Talent Award
Project: Bachelor thesis
Mode Design
Student: Lisa Haas
Supervised by Prof. Arnold Gevers
Prizes and awards 2016
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place in four categories | Best German Studio, Best Game Design, Best German Game and Best German PC/Console game
Project: „Blades of the Shogun“
Mimimi Games (Start-up initiated by mdh students)
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place | Ubisoft Blue Byte Newcomer Award
Project: „Cubiverse“
Game Design
Team of mdh Munich students
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Scholarship, Game Design
Student: Anja Haumann
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth
Deutscher Computerspielpreis/German Computergames Award
1st place in two categories | Best game for children, Best Gamedesign
Project: „Shift Happens“
Klonk Games Munich (Start-up initiated by mdh students)
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth
Deutscher Computerspielpreis/German Computergames Award
1st place | Newcomer Award
Project: „Cubiverse“
Team of mdh students from Munich
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth, Jakob Thomsen, Utz Wagner
Münchner Modepreis/Fashion Award Munich
1st place in two categories | Audience Award, Jury Award
Bachelor project: “Implying Lines”
Fashion Design
Students: Nathalie Schenkel
Supervised by Prof. Arnold Gevers, Anna Hinterdobler
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Philipp Elsner, Emily Henderson und Tatjana Burka
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Prizes and awards 2015
Deutscher Computerspielpreis/German Computergames Award
1st place | Best Gamedesign
Project: „The last Tinker: City of Colors”
Mimimi Games (Start-up initiated by mdh students)
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth, Jakob Thomsen, Utz Wagner
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Feyza Demirören, Veronika Disl, Paulina Meider, Sara Markieton und Stephanie Dehler
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Nathalie Kennepohl, Kevin Kremer, Laura Ostermaier und Miriam Rieger
Supervised by Tobias Wühr
Prizes and awards 2014
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
2nd place | Newcomer Award
Project: „Simon“
Students: Stefanie Haaser, Celina Wijesekera, Christopher Luber, Katharina Lippenberger, Sean Gauvey, Simone Mändl, Josef Attenberger, Marcel Schmid
Supervised by Prof. Dominik Mieth, Jakob Thomsen, Utz Wagner
Mod of the Year 2014
1st place | Best Upcoming
Project: "Enderal - Die Trümmer der Ordnung"
SureAI, Team of mdh students (Modding Team) Nicolas Lietzau, (Creative Director SureAI)
Red Dot Design Award | Communication
1st place | Best of the Best Award
Project: Magazine
Students: Emil Reinke, Stephan Nürge, Silvana Krause
Supervised by Prof. Raymond Meier
Red Dot Design Award | Communication
Design prize (Red Dots) | Category: High design quality
Students: Carmen Hartmann, Sunna Becker, Mats Sander
Supervised by Prof. Raymond Meier
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Scholarship, Fashion Management
Students: Louisa Seitz
Supervised by Alexander Bretz
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Marcel Menke, Jochen Klaus
Supervised by Tobias Wühr
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Saskia Haller von Hallerstein
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz und Prof. Eduard Mittermaier
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Natalie Kennepohl, Hanna Rasper, Laura Ostermeier, Sonja Schröder
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Type Directors Club New York
1st, 2nd and 3rd place | Best of Show Student, Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Lars Reiners, Lea Roth, Bendedikt Lämmel, Nadine Mayer
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Type Directors Club New York
1st, 2nd and 3rd place | Best of Show Student, Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Kevin Kremer, Miriam Rieger, Corinna Rusker
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Type Directors Club New York
2nd place | Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Sebastian Ibler, Marcel Menke
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Prizes and awards 2013
Games-Vergabeausschuss des FFF Bayern/Allocation Committee Games FFF Bayern
Funding of EUR 70,000.00 for the development of a commercial computer game
Project: „Mercury Shift 3D"
Klonk Games Munich (Start-up initiated by students of mdh)
Type Directors Club New York
2nd place | Certificate of Typographic Excellence, Best of Show Student
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Theresa Schauer, Elias Osiander, Ivonne Budig, Mia Stevanovic
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Visual Art
Project: Design concept
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Anton Jung
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Fashion Design
Project: Outfit design
Student: Anna Dziwik
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Fashion Design
Project: Outfit design
Student: Selima Sevim
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Visual Art
Project: Design concept
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Kübra Cantürk
Prizes and awards 2012
ADC Talent Award
Awarded in the category Editorial Design
Project: Book design
Students: Marco dos Santos, Christian Schorm
Supervised by Prof. Eduard Mittermaier, Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Apple Design Awards
Awarded in the category Student
Project: „DaWindci“
Game Design
Mimimi Games (Start-up initiated by mdh students) in cooperation with Reality Twist
Supervised by Prof. Axel Hoppe
Gestaltungswettbewerb der Verbände Druck und Medien e.V./Design contest of print and media associations, Germany
1st place
Project: Design of a cup series for Schenker (German logistic company)
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Ramona Prinz
Supervised by Michaela Nürnberg
Gestaltungswettbewerb der Verbände Druck und Medien e.V./Design contest of print and media associations, Germany
9th place
Project: Design of a cup series for Schenker (German logistic company)
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Sabrina Böhmer
Supervised by Michaela Nürnberg
Game Connection America
1st place | Category Independent Studios, Newcomer
Project: „Phobos“, in cooperation with Wolpertinger
Supervised by Prof. Axel Hoppe
Pädagogischer Medienpreis, Studio im Netz e.V.
1st place | Category Pedagogical Interactive Prize
Project: „daWindci“, iOS-App
Mimimi Games (Start-up initiated by mdh students) in cooperation with Reality Twist
Type Directors Club New York
Certificate of Typographic Excellence
Project: Book design
Media Design
Students: Saskia von Hallerstein und Caro Mühlheim
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Photography
Media Design
Students: Daniel Koller und Henning Schulze
Supervised by Prof. Julia Schnitzer
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Photography
Media Design
Students: Daniel Koller und Henning Schulze
Supervised by Prof. Julia Schnitzer
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Categoy Visual Arts
Media Design
Student: Kübra Cantürk
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Fashion Design
Student: Louise Feldmann und Melanie Schaible
Supervised by Prof. Doris Schmitz
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Photography
Media Design
Student: Jan Peisert
Prizes and awards 2011
ADC Talent Award
Awarded in the category Spatial Installation
Project: „Lärm und Stille“
Student: Tatiana Wohlleben
Supervised by Prof. Eduard Mittermaier, Prof. Sybille Schmitz
University competition of the agency designaffairs
1st place
Project: Editoriales Gestalten
Media Design
Student: Marco Dos Santos
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Game Connection Europe
1st place| Category Independent Studios, Newcomer Teams
Project: „TINK”
Mimimi Games (Start-up initiated by mdh students)
Supervised by Prof. Axel Hoppe
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place | Gamesload Newcomer Award
Project: „Night of Joeanne”
Students: Roman Salomon, Dominik Plassmann, Tobias Janicke, Simon Hartmann, Christian Patorra, Moritz Overath
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
FASH European Fashion Award
2nd place | Category Final Projects
Project: „EDELweiss“
Student: Alexandra Fenkner
Supervised by Prof. Antje Osterburg
Prizes and awards 2010
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
2nd place | Gamesload Newcomer Award
Project: „DaWindci”
Students: Dominik Abé, Johannes Roth, Bianca Dörr, Martin Hamberger (Mimimi Productions)
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
2nd place | Gamesload Newcomer Award
Project: „Grounded“
Students: Johannes Roth, Martin Hamberger, Bianca Dörr, Ilya Bank, Moritz Wagner, Richard Winterstetter, Cem Erdalan, Lukas Volk, Santino Spiegler, Dominik Abé
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski
Deutscher Computerspielpreis/German Computergames Award
1st place | Best Student Project
Project: „Night of Joeanne“
Students: Simon Hartmann, Tobias Janicke, Christian Patorra, Dominik Plassmann, Moritz Overath, Roman Salomon
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Deutscher Werbekongress/Advertising Congress Germany
1st place| Best Concept for Deutsche Post AG
Project: „Einfach Post“
Students: Patrick Jankowski, Jennifer Leuchtenberg
Supervised by Dirk Waldhoff, Annette Becker
Deutscher Werbekongress/Advertising Congress Germany
1st place | Best Creation
Media Management
Student: Irina Maisinger
Supervised by Annette Becker
Allocation Commtitee Games FFF Bayern
Funding of EUR 20,000.00 for the development of a commercial computer game
Project: „Astroslugs Adventures“
Students: Bit Barons (Sergej Klementinovski), Alexander Zacherl, Alexander Widl
Living Games Festival
1st place | Audience Award
Project: „Night of Joeanne”
Students: Simon Hartmann, Tobias Janicke, Christian Patorra, Dominik Plassmann, Moritz Overath, Roman Salomon
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Next Level Conference
2nd place | Creative Games Contest
Project: „Night of Joeanne”
Students: Simon Hartmann, Tobias Janicke, Christian Patorra, Dominik Plassmann, Moritz Overath, Roman Salomon
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch, Prof. Dr. Christof Rezk-Salama
Next Level Conference
2nd place | Creative Games Contest
Project: „Teglaris Academy”
Students: Sebastian Kreutz, Dominik Lau
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Red Dot Design Award
1st place | Category Communication
Project: „Die Bedeutung des Minimalsten“
Student: Pascal Gabriel
Supervised by Prof. Sybille Schmitz
Competition of SIEMENS Healthcare
1st place | Viralspot Contest
Project: „Lilly's Lonley Life”
Students: Franziska Gulewitsch, Eva-Maria Seifert, Julie Reiman, Moritz Wagner, Cem Erdalan, Arthur Krämer
Supervised by Daniel Müller, Peter Benkowitz, Prof. Wolf Groß, Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Rymon von Lipinski
Comeptition of SIEMENS Healthcare
2nd place | Viralspot Contest
Project: „Easy Minds”
Students: Wolfgang Emmer, Rebecca Heim, Lukas Lang, Alexandra Schlecht, Alexandru Adrian Radoiu, Stephanie Fechner Caroline Jahn, Carina Kartenhauser-Wagner
Supervised by Daniel Müller, Peter Benkowitz, Prof. Wolf Groß, Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Rymon von Lipinski
Competition of SIEMENS Healthcare
3rd place | Viralspot Contest
Project: „Meat Beat ”
Students: Alexander Schmidt, Thorsten Wahner, Daniel Höche, Michelle Maiser, Elena Winitschenko, Tatiana Wohlleben, Nicolas Herrmann, Severin Höhne, Moritz Grabosch
Supervised by Daniel Müller, Peter Benkowitz, Prof. Wolf Groß, Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Rymon von Lipinski
Comeptition of SIEMENS Healthcare
Special Prize | Viralspot Contest
Students: Johannes Roth, Dominik Abé, Luis Naka, Christina Weisl
Supervised by Daniel Müller, Peter Benkowitz, Prof. Wolf Groß, Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Rymon von Lipinski
Competition of SIEMENS Healthcare
Spezial Prize | Viralspot Contest
Media Management
Students: Simon Brüker, Felix Gerstner, Fabian Zolk
Supervised by Daniel Müller, Peter Benkowitz, Prof. Wolf Groß, Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Rymon von Lipinski
Competition of metaio GmbH
1st place | Bestes AR Game Concept
Project: „Zomgotchi“
Students: Johannes Roth, Martin Hamberger, Santino Spiegler, Ferdinand Lang, Richard Winterstetter
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe
Competition of Artoz Papier AG
1st, 2nd and 3rd place | category paper dress
Fashion Design
Students: Christina Horn, Marietta Gollé-Leidreiter, Josephin Wagner, Ronald Wolf
Supervised by Prof. Doris Schmitz
BDEW Contest (Federal Association of the German Energy and Water Industry)
3rd place
Theme of the contest: Energy supply in 2050
Project: „Energie 2ø5ø“
Digital Film Design
Students: Philipp Allard, Philip Chaoui, Daniel Rath, Sebastian Schütt
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase
WWL Leuna/City of Leuna
3rd place | Advertising Concept
Media Management
Students: Björn Thadewald, Alexander Rudolph, Thorben Schlösser
Supervised by Prof. Arnd Joachim Garth
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Photography
Media Design
Project: „Orange“
Students: Monika Jaksic, Katharina Fedder
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Visual Arts
Media Design
Project: „Graph-City”
Students: Marcel Kaca, Christian Hartmann, Peter Besser
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Photography
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Project: „Kriminell Gut“
Student: Sebastian Nonn
Supervised by Wolfgang Fröhling
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Visual Arts
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Project: “Spark Attack“
Student: Benedikt Bormann
Supervised by Wolfgang Fröhling
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Fashion Design
Project: „Streamlined Volt“
Student: Tobias Müller
Supervised by Prof. Doris Schmitz
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Visual Arts
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Project: “Safe Road to Success“
Student: Markus Werner
Supervised by Wolfgang Fröhling
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Photography
Media Design
Project: „My Chevrolet“
Students: Marcel Kaca, Peter Besser
Prizes and awards 2009
Aniwow! 4th China International Student Animation Festival
1st place | Best Motion Graphics Design
Digital Film Design
Project: „The 2nd Beat is Mine”
Students: Andrei Allerborn, Enrico Damm, Andrej Eder, Raphael Feucht, Wilhelm Molderings, Christine Mpentulas, Kai Schadwinkel
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase
Digitale Stadt Düsseldorf/Digital City of Düsseldorf, Germany
1st place | Bestes Design
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Project: Imagefolder
Students: Verena Schratz, Alper Yazar
Supervised by Wolfgang Fröhling
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/ German Game Developer Award
1st place | Audience Award
Project: „Siedler – Aufbruch der Kulturen“
Student: Stephan Dilly
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/ German Game Developer Award
3rd place | Gamesload Newcomer Award
Project: „Phobos”
Students: Swen Jurić, Andreas Ackermann, Sebastian Bender, Jens Bolanz
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski
Deutscher Werbekongress/Advertising Congress Germany
1st place | Best Strategy for Deutsche Post AG
Project: „Go Green“
Media Management
Student: Susanna Besier
Supervised by Maren Müller-Bierbaum
Deutscher Werbekongress/Advertising Congress Germany
1st place | Best Campaign for Deutsche Post AG
Student: Cristina Hennecke
Supervised by Maren Müller-Bierbaum
Living Games Festival
1st place | Living Games Independent Award
Project: „Children of the Suns”
Students: Frank Naggies, Vandad Mohammadi, Oleg Gorchkov
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Living Games Festival
2nd place | Living Games Independent Award
Project: „Paper Race”
Students: Kamil Kulis, Dustin Kohnen, Jan Steffens, Theo Prokott, Mike Weidenfeld
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
eResult Usability-Contest
1st place | Design Award
Project: FTI Webseiten-Konzept
Media Design
Students: Tamara Napowanez, Max Baginskij
Supervised by Prof. Wolf Groß
FTI Contest
1st place | Best Website Concept
Media Design
Students: Marina Amato, Dominic Asche, Sarah Götz, Fabian Humburg, Daniel
Supervised by Prof. Wolf Groß
Media Management
Student: Hanna Oberauer
Competition of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and the German Federation for Arts Education and Cultural Learning
1st place | PlusPunkt KULTUR Contest
Project: „99 Days to Berlin“ (Business-Plan)
Media Management
Students: Caroline Priese, Stephanie Ester, Fabian Arlt, Glenn Göttsche, Dominic Stetschnig
Supervised by Andreas Bleicher
Competition of Beiersdorf AG
1st place | Product Launch Warming Cream (Hansaplast)
On Air Design
Students: Martina Lutz, Maximilian Stolarow, Stefan Sydow
Supervised by Prof. Angela Kern
Competition of Beiersdorf AG
2. Platz | Product Launch Warming Cream (Hansaplast)
On Air Design
Students: Irina Litwitz, Jillianne Schröder, Maria Riep
Supervised by Prof. Angela Kern
Competition of Beiersdorf AG
3rd place | Product Launch Warming Cream (Hansaplast)
On Air Design
Students: Lisa Müller, Patrick Janowski, Sura Kandirian
Supervised by Prof. Angela Kern
Competition of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety - My environment idea!
1st place | Category Renewable Energy
Training Media Design Image & Sound
Project: „Winter Abgeschafft“
Students: Paul Korn, Nils Rakow, Ruben Wielsch, Tina Schumann
Supervised by Rainer Maria Glatzer
Competition of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety - My environment idea!
1st place | Category Renewable Energy
Training Media Design Image & Sound
Project: „Himmlischer Auftrag“
Students: Paul Korn, Nils Rakow, Ruben Wielsch, Tina Schumann
Supervised by Rainer Maria Glatzer
Comeptition of metaio GmbH
1st place | Best AR Game Concept
Project: „Koogle“
Team von mdh Studierenden (Game Design)
Betreut von Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski
Wettbewerb der metaio GmbH
1. Platz | Bestes AR-Spielkonzept
Projekt: „Magic Cuddles“
Team of mdh students (Game Design)
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hoppe, Prof. Dr. Bartosz von Rymon Lipinski
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Spark Sticker
Media Design
Project: „Camouflage Spark“
Student: Alf Ahrens
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Spark Sticker
Media Design
Project: „Green Evolution“
Student: Marina Neff
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Photography
Media Design
Project: „Engel der Umwelt“
Students: Marcel Kaca, Peter Besser
Young Creative Chevrolet
1st place | Category Visual Arts
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Project: „The Fast“
Student: Sascha Bauer
Young Creative Chevrolet
2nd place | Category Visual Arts
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Projekt: „Chevrolion“
Student: Markus Werner
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd palce | Category Photography
Media Design
Project: „Freilicht Disko“
Students: Christian Hartmann, Monika Jaksic, Christoph Pietsch
Young Creative Chevrolet
3rd place | Category Fashion Design
Project: „Femme Métal“
Student: Annika Brix
Supervised by Prof. Antje Osterburg
Prizes and awards 2008
clip&klar Kommunikationspreis (BZgA)
„Gib Aids keine Chance“
3rd place
Training Media Design Image & Sound
Project: „Don’t Give Up“
Students: Kaspar Eißmann, Kay-Rio Schulze, Ileana Schostak, Thomas Hofmann
Supervised byRainer Maria Glatzer
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place | Audience Award (Best International Strategiy Gamel)
Project: „Sacred II – Fallen Angel“
Student: Frank Naggies
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
1st place | Sponsorship Award
Project: „Windchaser“
Students: Barry Manley, Stefan Wimmreuter, Michael Franke, Jakob Thomsen, Alexander Kehr, Christian Kluckner, Harald Östreicher
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Deutscher Entwicklerpreis/German Game Developer Award
3rd place | Newcomer Award
Project: „Subserious“
Students: Marian Nodorf, Robert Scheffel, Carsten Stender
Supervised by Jan Dérer
EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards
2nd place | Interactive Installations
Media Design
Project: „Amigos“
Students: Fabian Humburg, Philip Stutz, Daniel Plohnke, Marina Amato, Stepanie Reichenau, Nina Janezic, Richard Wegele
Supervised by Prof. Eduard Mittermaier, Andreas Prinz
Game On World in Conflict Mod Contest
1st place
Project: „Skulls of Treasure Island”
Students: Tom Fiedler und Team
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch
Kurz und Schön Wettbewerb
1st place | Special Prize Best Film Editing
Digital Film Design
Project: „Standby“
Student: Jannis Walz
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase
Roma Independent Film Festival
1st place | Best Animation Short
Digital Film Design
Project: „Standby“
Student: Jannis Walz
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Matthias Haase
Competition of UPS
1st place | Redesign UPS Truck
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Alper Yazar
Supervised by Prof. Christine Pütz
Competition of UPS
1. place | Soccer shirts
Media Design
Student: Marcel Lehmann
Supervised by Prof. Julia Schnitzer
Competition of UPS
1st place | Soccer shirts
Fashion Design
Student: Emelie Leismann
Supervised by Prof. Antje Osterburg
150 Jahre Firma Anschütz
2nd place | Category Photography
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Anja Söchting
Supervised by Martin Adam
150 Jahre Firma Anschütz
3rd place | Category Photography
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Steffen Köhler
Supervised by Martin Adam
Prizes and awards 2007
Berliner Journalistenverband/Journalists Association Berlin
1st place | Category „Der lange Atem“
Game Design
Student: Manuel Steinbrück
Supervised by Prof. Petra Scheer
1st place | Category „Exposing gas guzzlers“
Project: „Klimaschänder Audi“ (Advertorial)
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Aleksander Angelovski
Supervised by Prof. Franz Tomaschowski, Wallo Linné
2nd place | Category „Exposing gas guzzlers“
Project: „Kindliche Ignoranz“ (Advertorial)
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Michael Gasteiger
Supervised by Prof. Franz Tomaschowski, Wallo Linné
EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards
Awarded in the category Interactive Installations / Interactive TV
Media Design
Project: „PhotoGraphics“
Students: Alexander Koenig, Sebastian Schmidt, Daniel Müller, Florentin Steiner, Regina Demmel
Supervised by Christian Hienreiner, Prof. Eduard Mittermaier
LARA Games Award
1st place | Start Up Award
Project: „Windchaser”
Students: Barry Manley, Stefan Wimmreuter, Michael Franke, Jakob Thomsen, Alexander Kehr, Christian Kluckner, Harald Östreicher
(Start-up Chimera Entertainment)
Volx Award
1st place | Category “Fresh advertising for our country“
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Caroline Buchholz
Supervised by Martin Adam
Volx Award
3rd place | Category “Fresh advertising for our country“
Training Media Design Digital & Print
Student: Arfet Querimi
Supervised by Martin Adam