Fashion Management

Why Study „Fashion Management“?

Fashion is our world and sustainability is our focus.

Fashion is versatile, makes you visible and is an expression of the Zeitgeist. Never before has the world of fashion been so free and influential at the same time. Traditions are being overthrown, trends are developing via social media, influencers and labels carry more weight than designers and journalists. At the same time, digitalization and innovative technologies are revolutionizing the fashion industry. Sustainability, environmental protection and social standards along the whole value chain are new challenges in fashion management. Tomorrow´s clothing is smart, sexy and sustainable … and you? At mdh you can shape the fashion business of the future with your creative and future-oriented ideas.

Our Fashion Management degree programme meets the current needs of the fashion industry. We offer a comprehensive education that is also extremely attractive for already experienced fashion designers. Through the Fashion Management degree programme, the range of skills is expanded to include a management-related focus in the fashion sector, which optimally prepares designers for the demands of the job market.

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7 semesters

ECTS points



Bachelor of Arts


05.05.2025 (Sommersemester)
01.10.2025 (Wintersemester)


English, German


Berlin (EN)
Düsseldorf (DE)
Düsseldorf (EN)


Berlin (On site)
Düsseldorf (On site)

Monthly fees

EU from 650,00 €
Non-EU from 1.050,00 €

Sign early & receive a free Wacom Movink 13

Sign the contract by 31 March 2025 for your studies at mdh starting in the winter semester 2025 and receive your Wacom Movink 13 at the start of your studies. (only valid for EU students directly applying to mdh)

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Exhibition Hall

Your Program

During your studies you will get to know the whole value chain of the fashion industry, including raw material production, manufacturing, logistics, sales, retail, your clients and even recycling. You will learn the ropes of the Fashion business. We will show you how clothing can be produced and marketed in line with adequate environmental standards and humane working conditions. Together we will work on sustainable production cycles. We will complete projects in which we develop viable ideas and look at chances and challenges of the international fashion market.  

Visionary ideas and a creative approach are the most important tools that fashion managers need, but we will also work on innovative business models for the fashion industry of the future. When you graduate, you will have become a forward-thinking designer, able to formulate professional positions and to make sound business decisions.

You can look forward to:

Management & sustainability
Trend research
Marketing & sales
Practical projects

Your study content

At the Mediadesign University you will be taught key skills in the following areas:


  • Fashion communication, marketing and brand strategy/management
  • Supply Chain, business administration and financial processes
  • Market- & trend Research
  • Management of creative processes
  • Strategy development and execution within a team


  • History and sociology of fashion
  • Clothing technology and product management
  • Fashion as a creative process

By completing actual projects, you will learn to understand fashion products as the result of a creative development process which you can shape yourself. As part of your studies, you will visit textile and fashion companies as well as ad agencies, marketing and communications companies both in Germany and abroad, giving you a better understanding of the professional life of fashion managers.

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Your Career

Target group „Fashion Management“

  • People who want to revolutionize the fashion business
  • People who want to work in key positions in the booming fashion industry: in product development and procurement, communication, marketing or sales
  • All those for whom fashion so much more than just ‚shopping‘ and who are interested in sustainable technologies, digitalization and innovation management
  • Trained fashion designers who would like to expand their range of skills with a management-related focus in the fashion sector and gain valuable additional qualifications

95% of our graduates find jobs in the industry. Our alumni work in product management, purchasing and sales in various companies throughout the fashion and lifestyle industry. Many hold positions in (fashion) marketing or have embarked on a career in PR or as influencers.


Your professional perspectives

mdh graduates are working, for example, in sales for Hugo Boss and Hermès, in product development with Adidas and Puma, in marketing for Karl Lagerfeld or Calzedonia, in purchasing for Peek & Cloppenburg or QVC.

Typical Jobs are:

  • Product Manager
  • Buyer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Content Manager
  • ...

Be inspired by the diverse career prospects and the potential of a financially rewarding career path. The successes of our graduates speak for themselves - including a former student who joined as an executive assistant after her studies and immediately achieved an annual salary of 40,000 euros.

The Mediadesign Hochschule offers you the ideal education to turn your creative passion into a successful future.

Abschluss in der Tasche? Dein Master nach dem Fashion Management Studium

Mode Management zu studieren, ist der erste wichtige Schritt, um in der Modebranche leitende Positionen im Marketing zu erreichen. Das klingt verlockend? Genau wie du träumen viele junge Menschen davon, Teil der glitzernden, verheißungsvollen Modewelt zu werden, um das volle Potenzial von Marken und Labels zu entfalten. Grund genug, dich auf mehreren Ebenen zu qualifizieren und dich von deiner Konkurrenz abzuheben. Durch dein Fashion Business Studium bist du zum Profi im Mode Management geworden – du hast fundierte wirtschaftliche Kenntnisse erlangt, die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Marketingstrategien erlernt und tiefe Einblicke in den Arbeitsalltag innerhalb der Branche bekommen.

Mit einem Master nach deinem Fashion Management Studium erarbeitest du dir eine zusätzliche Qualifikation, mit der du auf dem Arbeitsmarkt heller strahlst als deine Konkurrenz. Das Master of Arts Design-Studium katapultiert dich an die Spitze der digitalen Modewelt. Hier vereinst du Kreativität mit Spitzentechnologie, was dich z. B. befähigt, Showrooms und digitale Kampagnen der Spitzenklasse zu entwerfen. Mach jetzt einen kreativen Master, um dein Fashion Management Studium perfekt abzurunden!

Mode Management studieren in München, Berlin und Düsseldorf

Du möchtest im Fashion Management durchstarten? Starte dein Studium an der Mediadesign Hochschule und tauche direkt in die faszinierende Welt des Mode Marketings ein. Egal, ob du ganz neu in der Branche bist oder schon jede Menge Erfahrung mit Fashion & Co. hast – was unsere Dozierenden und dich verbindet, ist die Leidenschaft für Mode. Bei der mdh hast du an drei Standorten die Möglichkeit, Mode Management zu studieren. München, Berlin und Düsseldorf warten auf dich!

Neben Praxisprojekten und Fachexkursionen, die dir wertvolle Einblicke in den spannenden Arbeitsalltag von Kreativschaffenden und Modebegeisterten ermöglichen, profitierst du von der topmodernen Ausstattung unserer Hochschule. In Berlin findet das gesamte Studium auf Englisch statt, was viele ausländische Studierende anzieht und deine multikulturelle Erfahrung steigert. Doch auch in München und Düsseldorf erwartet dich eine Community, für die Mode weitaus mehr ist als „Klamotten shoppen“ und die dich und deine Fashion-Träume perfekt verstehen. Triff Gleichgesinnte aus dem In- und Ausland und knüpfe schon im Studium wichtige Kontakte für deine berufliche Zukunft. Worauf wartest du? Beginne noch dieses Jahr, Mode Management zu studieren in Berlin, München oder Düsseldorf!

Application & Admission

Enrollment Requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Abitur) or equivalent diploma, i.e. IB or A-levels (check with our counseling department whether your diploma qualifies)
  • English skills. Language proof: TOEFL IPT: 543, TOEFL IBT: 74, IELTS (Academic): 6, Cambridge FCE: B2, PTE Academic: 59, IB Diploma: English A or B at HL or SL, BI 'English Language Proficiency Exam': PASS. We also accept Duolingo.

Information for applicants from abroad: You have the possibility to check your international certificates independently in advance via uni-assist and to inform yourself about the requirements for your admission: TO UNI-ASSIST

>> International applicants who have not met the necessary HZB requirements need to complete the MDH preparatory programme for admission to a higher education programme at MDH.

Your personality and talents are more important than top grades!

Please apply via e-Mail (or regular mail). This is what we need from you:

  • A motivation letter (tell us what inspires you – ca. 1 page)
  • Relevant grade reports as well as a resume with your current photo
  • You may apply during the school year (even before secondary school graduation)
  • Graduation diploma can be submitted after completion of your secondary school

Admission Requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Abitur) or equivalent diploma, e.g. IB or A-levels (check with our counseling department whether your diploma qualifies)

Personal Requirements

  • Strong interest in everything involving fashion
  • Interest in management and team leading
  • Knowledge of English is an advantage
  • Creativity, hands-on mentality, helpfulness and being a team player, enjoying project work

Tuition Fees:

  • Campus Berlin: English language program: EU citizens: 4.110,00 EUR/Semester |  Non-EU citizens: 6.300,00 EUR/Semester (with foundation programme 6.700,00 EUR/Semester)
  • Campus Düsseldorf: German language program: EU-Citizens: 3.267,00 EUR/Semester  |  Non-EU citizens: 6.300,00 EUR/Semester

For all courses we charge a one-time registration fee of 490,00 EUR and a one-time examination fee of 1.050 EUR.
For non-EU citizens, the one-time examination fee of 1.050,00 EUR is included in the tuition price.
In case of prepayment (semesterly, annually, completely) the tuition fees can be reduced by up to 5%. (This discount is not compatible with early registration discounts).

Alumna Loan Le - Fashion Management (B.A.)

Assistant Store Managerin & Team Managerin, Valentino, München


"During my internship at MCM in retail marketing, you naturally also learn how to go through contracts with your suppliers or partners, or how to negotiate. That's also very important, of course, and you also learn all these modules at university. And my internship at a fashion agency was more about sales and wholesale. These modules are also at university, for example, so you know how all the background processes work."



Infos & Help

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You have questions?

Our student advisory service will be happy to help you with questions regarding application and financing. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. Our student advisors will advise you in a personal information session. We will gladly send you free information material.
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Online Open Campus

Online Open Campus

Would you like to know if your dream degree programme is really right for you? Get to know our university and take part in study seminars or workshops free of charge.
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Mar 25

Online Open Campus - 19.03.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf


Apr 25

Online Open Campus - 09.04.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf


May 25

Online Open Campus - 14.05.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf


Jun 25

Online Open Campus - 24.06.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf


Jul 25

Online Open Campus - 23.07.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf


Aug 25

Online Open Campus - 13.08.2025 - 16:00

Berlin & Düsseldorf
