Paper Work (Media Design)
Paper Work (Media Design)


Help & support with student financing


German students are entitled to financial support under the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) - as is the case at state universities - when studying at the Mediadesign Hochschule. The payment is granted depending on income and assets.

Foreign students are also eligible for financial aid. The responsible BAföG office will be happy to inform you about the necessary requirements. The decisive factor for the application is the location of the university and not the place of residence. For the Mediadesign Hochschule, the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung in Berlin is responsible.

With the BAföG calculator, interested students can find whether they are eligible for BAföG and how high the amount is likely to be.

Amt für Ausbildungsförderung 

Behrenstraße 40/41 

10117 Berlin 

For further information on BAföG please contact the toll-free Hotline 0800 2236341.


MDH Education Fund

The MDH Education Fund is based on the model of the Inverted Generation Contract (IGC). Since its founding in 2005, Brain Capital GmbH has been offering this alternative form of student financing. The tuition fees are deferred and financed based on income. This allows anyone to study at the Mediadesign University without the financial burden of tuition fees and regardless of their personal financial background. The funding can be combined with BAföG and other financing options. A key feature is that after graduating and reaching a minimum income threshold, students repay the funding to enable new students to study. This cycle ensures a secure financing for new students.

First study - then pay: How it works After signing a funding agreement with Brain Capital, you can study without worrying about tuition fees. These will be paid directly to your university by the Education Fund. Only upon starting your career and exceeding a minimum income of €25,000, you will pay the percentage of income specified in the funding agreement as deferred tuition fees for a maximum of 10 payment years. The model offers complete freedom in life planning. Payments adapt to personal career and payment capacity.

Minimum requirements for your application:

  • Acceptance into a study program
  • High school GPA of at least 3.0
  • EU citizens as well as citizens of the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand are eligible to apply.
  • The funding selection interview will be conducted by Brain Capital GmbH.

For further information, please visit MDH Education Fund | Flexible student financing (

Student loans

Student loan from KfW

An important option for all students, regardless of their own or their parents´ income, is a student loan from KfW. These loans are very attractive, particularly because they can be paid back over a period of up to 25 years.

The most important features of these loans:

  • Monthly payments between 100 and 650 Euros
  • No securities required
  • Start of payback 6 to max. 23 months after graduation
  • Flexible repayment options over up to 25 years
  • Can be combined with BAföG and other student loans

The loan cannot be granted retroactively. The application needs to be submitted to KfW 14 days before the beginning of the program or the semester at the latest, together with your enrolment certificate!

In a loan from KfW, the monthly support sum includes the interest payment, which slightly reduces the monthly payment. There is, however, the possibility to rest interest payments once 2/3 of credit points have been achieved. If an application for this agreement is filed, interest has to be repaid after graduation.

You can receive the funding if you have the German citizenship and be registered at a German address. Alternatively, you must be an EU-citizen and resident of Germany for the past three years. Or you are a foreign student, have acquired your university entrance qualification in Germany and are registered at a German address. 

For further information on this student loan call the KfW Info-Hotline: 0800 539 9003

Student loans for higher semester or master programs

Eligible: German citizens between 18 and 36, who fulfill the following requirements:

  • Students having completed their intermediate exam („Zwischenprüfung“).
  • Students having completed the first part of a consecutive program or being enrolled in a postgraduate or master program
  • Students enrolled in an additional program
  • Anybody doing an internship in Germany or abroad which is related to their study program.
  • Monthly support of 300 Euro, a maximum of 7.200 Euros over 24 months.
  • Interest rate is slightly lower than for a student loan.

The application must be submitted to the Bundesverwaltungsamt. For further information check or

Other scholarships

Scholarships awarded by state-funded and private institutions

In general, all students may apply for scholarships. Please find below a list oft he most important institutions awarding scholarships for university students.

Scholarships for students who work and study at the same time or who are continuing their professional education

Course and lectures at Mediadesign University are scheduled to allow students to work while pursuing a degree. Our career service can provide information and contacts to help you find a suitable job. For further information and links regarding scholarships please go tor:


Austrian Mobility Scholarship

Since 2008/09 it is possible to receive a scholarship for a program pursued completely in a country of the European Economic Realm (EWR) or in Switzerland. This support is called Mobility Scholarship. It can be paid out after a minimum of 15 ECTS credits have been achieved. For further information go to: