
Figurative drawing


Workshop: Figurative Art (analog/digital)


  •     Type: Online workshop; participation via Zoom
  •     Costs: free of charge
  •     Prerequisite: Fun with drawing
  •     Working materials: soft pencil (B4 and up) or charcoal, kneaded eraser rough paper (cheap Newsprint or school coloring pads are also perfect) or a tablet with a drawing app, preferably iPad Pro with Procreate.


Introduction to figurative drawing (streamed from Procreate).

The human figure is the measure of all things that surround us and defines what we describe as small or large. If we want to shape our world, we relate it to us, to our dimensions in the truest sense: our human body. Therefore, it is great fun drawing to conquer it.

This workshop explains techniques and tricks on how to draw people (i.e. us). No matter what drawing tool is used. There are also tips on how to use Procreate.

The course is perfect for both beginners u. beginners as well as a refresher for experienced artists.

Target audience

The workshop is aimed at prospective students who enjoy drawing.


Michael Coldewey (Professor for Game and Film Design in Munich at the Mediadesign Hochschule)


Do you want to join? Please contact our study advisory.