mdh - Benefits
Bonus programmes
There are two bonus programmes at the Mediadesign Hochschule; the Refer-a-Friend and the Alumni Programme.
The Refer-a-Friend programme rewards students, trainees, applicants, course participants, alumni and employees of mdh when they refer friends and bring them to mdh. Whether it's a Bachelor's, Master's, apprenticeship or evening course, both the referrer and the referred friend receive a cool voucher worth 300 euros!
The Alumni programme is aimed at all (former) students, trainees and evening course participants. Anyone who has already completed a degree programme, an apprenticeship or an evening course at mdh receives a 20% discount on the fees for the next degree programme or evening course.
All information and conditions can be found here:

University Sports
mdh - hotspot for creative minds and sporty hearts!
Thanks to our membership in the general German university sports (adh), all mdh students have the opportunity to use the sports program of the state universities. From A like Aikido to Z like Zumba - the diverse offer will make your sports heart beat faster! Whether you're interested in classic sports like basketball or volleyball or would rather dive into the fascinating world of yoga and Pilates, there's something for everyone!
Registration: Just click on the links of the respective location and discover the versatile sports possibilities. Found a sport? Then sign up with your mdh matriculation number.
Have fun playing sports!
Location Berlin: You can use the offers of the TU, FU and HU. You can register with your mdh matriculation number.
Location Düsseldorf: You can use the offers of the Hochschulsport Düsseldorf. Registration is possible with the mdh matriculation number.
Location Munich: The offers of the ZHS are available. Registration is possible with the mdh matriculation number.
The Allgemeine Deutsche Hochschulsportverband (adh) is an organization that also organizes more than 50 competitive events in more than 30 different sports at the national level each year. Students of adh member universities, including mdh, have the opportunity to participate in these competitions as teams or individual starters*. Would you like to participate in a competition? Then contact

Anmeldung: Klickt einfach auf die Links des jeweiligen Standorts und entdeckt die vielseitigen Sportmöglichkeiten. Sportart gefunden? Dann meldet euch mit eurer mdh Matrikelnummer an.
Viel Spaß beim Sporteln!
Standort Berlin: Nutzbar sind die Angebote der TU, FU und HU. Anmeldungen sind mit der mdh Matrikelnummer möglich.
Standort Düsseldorf: Nutzbar sind die Angebote des Hochschulsports Düsseldorf. Anmeldungen sind mit der mdh Matrikelnummer möglich.
Standort München: Nutzbar sind die Angebote der ZHS. Anmeldungen sind mit der mdh Matrikelnummer möglich.
Der Allgemeine Deutsche Hochschulsportverband (adh) ist eine Organisation, die außerdem jährlich über 50 Wettkampfveranstaltungen in mehr als 30 verschiedenen Sportarten auf Bundesebene ausrichtet. Studierende der adh-Mitgliedshochschulen, einschließlich der mdh, haben die Möglichkeit, als Team oder Einzelstarter*innen an diesen Wettkämpfen teilzunehmen. Möchtet ihr an einem Wettkampf teilnehmen? Dann meldet euch bei
University Travel Club
The University Travel Club organizes affordable trips to exciting places - especially for students and alumni of the participating universities.
Anyone interested can contact:
Next destination: Morocco (from 21.03.2024 - 10 days). From Casablanca via Meknes and Fez it goes over the middle Attlas to the desert in the south. Then via Essaouira to Marrakesh. Highlights: Kasbahs (desert forts) and oases, overnight in Bedouin camp in the dunes. More information will follow.
Find out about past and future trips here.