Prof. Britta Wiemer
Lecturer & Program Management
„Not the wind, but the sail determines the direction”
As apparel, design and industrial engineer Prof. Wiemer has 30 yrs. worth of theoretical and practical knowledge in nearly all processes of the textile value chain of the fashion industry and fashion retail. Through her professional activities as fashion designer, product manager, creative director, creative buyer and head of brand she was able to establish valuable contacts with representatives of the fashion business and gained professional experience in fashion design, apparel production and fashion marketing.
In the context of her activities as lecturer and professor, Prof. Wiemer holds lectures and seminars, manages projects and supervises bachelor thesis’ in her areas of expertise in „creative process and project management“, fashion entrepreneurship, fashion marketing, brand management, product management (collection and range planning and development, sourcing and buying), retail management, cost and performance calculation and controlling as well as clothing technology and last but not least costume history and fashion sociology.
As a very creative person with economical expertise who can put in context the complex processes of the textile value chain either technically or in terms of costs and profitability, Prof. Wiemer advises entrepreneurs and decision makers in the fashion & creative business.
Digital Appearances im virtuellen Modemarketing - Re'aD Summit Mai 2021, Deutsches Modeinstitut
Individual Design - Creative Printing: Wie aus kreativen Ideen nachhaltige Business-Konzepte werden - Re'aD Summit November 2021, Deutsches Modeinstitut
Future Female Fashion Forum - Messe: Gallery Fashion & Shoes, Igedo Company
Stil – Nachhaltigkeit mit Stil (http://newsroom.mediadesign.de/imfokus/nachhaltigkeit-mit- stil/, 07.08.2017)
Digital Retail Solutions – Fashion Talk (http://newsroom.mediadesign.de/projekte/fashion- talk-zum-thema-digital-retail-solutions/, 20.12.2016)
Vertrieb im Premium- & Luxussegment – Fashion Talk (http://newsroom.mediadesign.de/campus/fashion-talk-zum-thema-vertrieb-i…- luxussegment/, 07.12.2016)
Erstellung eines Kollektionskonzeptes (http://newsroom.mediadesign.de/imfokus/kollektionskonzept/, 04.10.2016)
Ich kann das nicht mehr (er-)tragen! – Nachhaltige Mode – Neue Ansätze und Strategien für die Modebranche (http://newsroom.mediadesign.de/imfokus/ich-kann-das-nicht-mehr- er-tragen/, 10.02.2016)
Vom Kollektionskonzept zum Kollektionsrahmenplan in vertikalen Unternehmen der Modebranche (http://www.mediadesign.de/blog/vom-kollektionskonzept-zum- kollektionsrahmenplan-vertikalen-unternehmen-der-modebranche, 17.04.2014)
Besuch der Munich Fabric Start (MFS) – Farbthemen Frühjahr/Sommer 2014 (http://www.mediadesign.de/blog/besuch-der-munich-fabric-start-mfs, 10.04.2013)
10.10.2013 Interview mit Handelsblatt-Online zum Thema „Modeshow Fashion Hero – Karstadt braucht den Sieg am dringendsten“ (http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/handel-dienstleister/modeshow-f…- alles-was-die-traege-masse-bewegt/8914284-2.html)
02.12.2013 Interview mit ZDF – Heute Nacht zum Thema „Billig-Bekleidung - - Arbeitsbedingungen in der Bekleidungsindustrie, Faire Produktionskosten“ (http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek#/beitrag/video/2041454/heute-nacht-vom-0…- 2013)
16.04.2016 „Die Siebensachen für den Schrank“ – WAZ Rubrik „Leben“ - Interview als Expertin im Bereich Mode