Weiterbildung UX UI Kurs

UX/UI Design

Why UX/UI Design?


From websites to apps - from coffee machines to ticket vending machines - UX/UI design is everywhere! Interface designers conceptualize, design and develop the user interfaces of products (websites, apps, software interfaces, etc.) with the goal of creating an intuitive and user-friendly experience. In this context, interface design has a great impact on user satisfaction and efficiency. It helps to present complex information and functions in an intuitive and attractive way that is easy to understand and use, and can significantly determine whether a product or service is successful.

Joining the current course possible until the end of October!

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Online (DE)


Online (Online)

Monthly fees

EU from 349,00 €

Your Evening Class

The online course takes place over a total of 52 evenings, twice a week with over 3 hours of instruction each time from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. The fee is payable in 8 monthly installments and amounts to 399 € (7% discount for one-time payment). The one-time registration fee is 75 €.

During the course you will acquire valuable know-how in the UX/UI design areas: Analysis, conception, visual development and technical realization. You will then express the skills and knowledge you have acquired in a practice-oriented project work. The final project involves the conceptual, visual and technical implementation of an interactive application (e.g. website or app).      


The course content is taught in two modules.

Theory, basics & visual communication  

  •     Background knowledge about the evolutionary stages of digital media
  •     Visual communication in interface design  
  •     Typography, color theory, image concepts, interaction elements and animations  
  •     Compositing of complex responsive layouts for interactive media
  •     Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe XD

Conceptual, visual and technical development

  •     Research and analysis of interfaces (UX and usability evaluation)
  •     Development of information architecture - from page structure (central document) to content and functional concept (wireframes)
  •     Visual development of interactive media taking usability and user experience into account
  •     Implementation of interactive prototypes
  •     Basics of technical development (HTML and CSS) and content management systems (CMS)

Aufbau der UX/UI-Weiterbildung

Während des Kurses eignest Du Dir wertvolles Knowhow in den Interface Design Bereichen: Analyse, Konzeption, visuelle Entwicklung und technische Realisierung an. Die erlernten Fähigkeiten und das erworbene Wissen bringst Du dann in einer praxisorientierten Projektarbeit zum Ausdruck. Die Abschlussarbeit umfasst die konzeptionelle, visuelle und technische Umsetzung einer interaktiven Anwendung (z. B. Website oder App).      
Die Lehrinhalte werden in zwei Modulen vermittelt. 

Theorie, Grundlagen & visuelle Kommunikation  

  • Hintergrundwissen über die Evolutionsstufen von digitalen Medien 
  • Visuelle Kommunikation im Interface Design  
  • Typografie, Farblehre, Bildkonzepte, Interaktionselemente und Animationen  
  • Compositing von komplexen responsiven Layouts für interaktive Medien 
  • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator und Figma

Konzeptionelle, visuelle und technische Entwicklung 

  • Recherche und Analyse von Interfaces (UX- und Usability-Evaluierung) 
  • Aufbau der Informationsarchitektur – von der Seitenstruktur (Zentraldokument) bis zum inhaltlichen und funktionalen Konzept (Wireframes) 
  • Visuelle Entwicklung von interaktiven Medien unter Einbezug der Usability und der User Experience 
  • Umsetzung von interaktiven Prototypen 
  • Grundlagen der technischen Entwicklung sowie Content-Management-Systeme (CMS)   


For whom is the evening course "UX/UI Design" suitable?

The evening course is aimed at all persons who would like to orientate themselves in the professional complex of interface design and further their education. The course is equally suitable for newcomers and designers as well as for further education.

After the course you will be able to

  •     analyze and evaluate the quality of use and design attractiveness of interactive systems,
  •     evaluate and formulate needs for action, development stages and realization processes,
  •     design and map project-related information architecture and interaction structure
  •     to develop an attractive, user-friendly and contemporary design for interactive media,
  •     visualize functions and content according to the principles of usability and user experience,
  •     understand technical aspects in the front and back end and apply them in editorial systems.