Review: Graduate Exhibition and Film Screening | mdh Düsseldorf


Review Graduate Exhibition and Film Screening | mdh Düsseldorf

Three days of design, film, inspiration and networking! Inspired by the diverse creative and artistic projects, agencies, graduates and interested parties celebrated the mdh Düsseldorf Graduate Exhibition and Film Screening from 24 to 26.03.2023. The event took place at Wacom Experience Center close to the media harbor Düsseldorf.

On March 24, 2023, the bachelor students of the B.A. Media Design presented multifaceted design and art projects. There were refreshing campaigns, book designs, corporate design, packaging design, conceptual design and artistic photographs to discover. Prof. Roman Skarabis and Anna Rohrbach ceremoniously opened the exhibition.

The fashion design graduates impressively staged their artistic explorations in the exhibition of their final collections. The young designers transferred interpersonal feelings, consumer behavior, traditions and power relations into forms, colors and textures. As a highlight of the evening, the fashion show not only captivated the visitors visually – they were also able to listen to the background of the ideas.

The film show of the graduates of the B.A. Digital Film Design completed this year’s exhibition of the mdh Düsseldorf. In the cinema of the Wacom Experience Center, the guests gathered for a short introduction to the program of the evening by Prof. Michael Klein and Prof. Tim Weimann. Afterwards, the guests were inspired by the versatile artistic digital film projects and exchanged ideas with students and lectures of the Mediadesign University of Applied Sciences.

We had a wonderful weekend in a space that raises the pulse of every design lover: Wacom Experience Center Düsseldorf! For the second year, we had the pleasure of hosting our Graduate Exhibition and Film Screening in the living room of the creative community around Düsseldorf’s media habor. At their Experience Center, Wacom welcomes all members and interested parties of the creative, tech and start-up community to exchange ideas at exciting events, workshops and panels.

Many thanks to the highly motivated team of Wacom Experience Center Düsseldorf for your great support!

Text: Anna Rohrbach

Photos: Anna Rohrbach, Kathrin Braun