Workshop Visualisieren

Workshop: Visualize

Visualize - thinking with the pen

Visualization is an excellent tool for quickly recording what is said and thought in creative processes and workshops. The idea is to extend, complement and, if necessary, replace the language of words with the language of images. The goal of the workshop is to learn how what is thought or said can be drawn and recorded via image using simple tools.


  •     Visualization and visual thinking: basics
  •     Visual representation and forms: Basic elements, figures, effects and emotions, containers and speech bubbles, symbols and metaphors.
  •     Sketchnoting: process and layout

Methods: Impulse lecture, exercises, teamwork, discussion

Technique: camera, microphone, cell phone for photographing

Material: paper (A4 and bigger), pens for drawing (according to preferences), tablet (if available, simple note-taking app is sufficient)

The number of participants is limited.

Do you want to join? Please contact our study advisory.