Prof. Carola Anna Elias
Design Management (M.A.)
“The present is no more than material fort the future” H.G. Wells, writer
Prof. Carola Anna Elias has been a member of the faculty at Mediadesign University since 2007 and Head of the Master's in Design Management since October 2024.
From 2020 to 2024, she was CMO (Marketing/Sales/Communication) and CRO (Relationship/Communication) on the university's Management Board, where she was responsible for the strategic development of those business areas.
In addition to her academic career, she worked for many years as a product manager, business unit manager and CEO in the international industry, e.g. in the lifestyle, fashion, publishing and consulting sectors.
Since 2005, she has been the owner of the brand strategy agency CAE-BRANDCONSULTING in Berlin and, as a coach, specialist author and speaker, focuses on the topics of “Future & Trend Research” and “Cultural & Structural Change” in the context of value-oriented corporate and brand transformation.
For many years, she was an honorary managing director of the Marketing Club Berlin (German Brand Association) and is a member of FidAR e.V. (Women in Supervisory Boards) and the German Society for Brand Research GEM.
Her seminars:
- Future and trend research/project
- Strategic communication management
- Brand Identity/Brand Management
- Strategic HR Management/Leadership
- Scientific work
Elias, C.A., Gizycki V. (2018): Omnichannel Branding - Digitalization as the basis of experience-oriented brand management, Springer Gabler, Berlin (ISBN: 978-3-658-21449-4) eBook (ISBN: 978-3-658-21450-0)
Elias, C.A. (2009): Corporate Identity als Basis moderner Markenführung, in Handbuch Medienmanagement, Schriften zum Medienmanagement der Mediadesign HS Band 1, LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf, Berlin.
Elias, C.A. (2007): Vom Jäger zum Opfer! über den Hype bei der Eröffnung des neuen Media Markts im Alexa Berlin, in Handelsblatt Online - Artikel zum Thema Marken und CSR.
Elias, C.A. (2007): MEGATRENDS - MYTHS - MECHANISMS - How important are trends? in USP - Menschen im Marketing / Absatzwirtschaft (issue 1-07)